
A black and white image of Nora the Explora

In recent years, I’ve discovered that the events that occur regularly in my life – which I always thought average – are anything but.

Friends find my life surprising or even unbelievable, but always entertaining. A colleague once referred to me as ‘The Red Woman’ (a la Melisandra from Game of Thrones) because I’ve done so much in my life that I must be MUCH older than I appear.

A side-by-side photo of the old and young Red Woman from HBO's Game of Thrones TV show
Left: Me. Right: Also me…. if comparing how I feel vs. how I wish I looked.

My father always said no one is useless; anyone can serve as a bad example. I hope that sharing these (mis)adventures not only entertains but also helps others avoid the bad luck that seems to naturally (and perpetually) find me.

Our family motto has always been, “You can’t make this s&it up.” So please sit back, relax, and enjoy the random absurdity of my life.

Disclaimer: NoraTheExplora and its operators are not responsible for any physical, emotional, or material damages caused while reading the content of this site. Injuries from excessive laughing, eye-rolling, distracted walking, or spitting/spilling liquids on electronicmay occur.

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